Have 350 free blocks of nand spaceRemove all GC controllers, GC memory cards, USB devicesDon't lose powerFormat SD-CARDUse a standard SD-Card (Not an SHDC)If you have issues formatting your SD card, then use this program Part 1 :Launch Hackmii Installer :For versions 2.0 - 3.4 (Twilight Hack)Download and extract to sd:\-Play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, make a savegamePut your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.Go into Wii Options --> Data Management --> Save Data --> Wii.Find your Zelda save, click on it, click "Erase", and click Yes.Open the SD card and select the "Twilight Hack" save that corresponds to your game region. Note: Some people are having problems with the Wii not "seeing" the save file on the SD card. If you are experiencing this, try setting the archive bit for the data.bin file - in Windows this can be either be done from the file's properties dialog (right click on it in Windows Explorer and check the box) or from the command line using "attrib +a ". More info at #wiihelp on Efnet.Click copy and then yes. Now exit out of the menu.Insert The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game disc and run the game.If you have the USA version of the game, load the "TwilightHack0" or "TwilightHack2" version of the game as appropriate (see above).Otherwise, load the only "Twilight Hack" save game.Once in the game, either walk backwards or talk to the man standing in front of you.If you are using System Menu 3.4, you must immediately put the Twilight Hack to use. Turning off or running some other channel or game will have the System Menu delete the savegame again, and you'll have to start over. Also, 3.4 must also extract twilight-hack-v0.1-beta2.zip to sd:\ replace files when asked.-Multi-Mod Manager will load-Select Wad Manager -Press A-Press 1, -Press A -Install all Wads-IOS58 and IOS61 will install-Press "any button"-Press 2- load "App Manager"-Select hackmii_installer_v0.8 -Press AHackmii Installer LoadsFor versions 3.4 (Hack without game disk)1. Get your Wii's mac address:The MAC address of the Wii can be found by:From the Wii Channel menu, select "Wii Settings" (the round button on the bottom-left of the screen with "Wii" on it)Select "Internet," then "Console Settings."The MAC address of the Wii console is displayed on the first line.2. Format your SD card. Fat32Panasonic SDFormat preferred. Dont skip this step.3. Download the HackMii installerYou can use the mac address to build a custom hackmii installer at LetterBomb MAKE SURE YOU SELECT YOUR REGION up topIf you get the captcha wrong, it will RESET your region. This happened to me. If you do, the installer, well, in my case hung the wii. Had to hard boot it.4. Copy downloaded files to root directory of SD card.I used windows xp.5. Put card in wii and start it.6. Hit the envelope in the lower right hand cornerIf you dont see the red message with the bomb, hit the - or + buttons to choose a different date.7. Click on the big red envelope with the bomb.The hackmii installer launches. (note if it hangs, you might not have done step 2, or you might have chosen the incorrect region)Part 2 :Installing the Homebrew channel and BootMiiRead the Scam warning and press 1It may take a minute or two for the "press 1" to appear- be patientInstall the HomeBrew ChannelInstall Bootmii as Boot2(boot2 may not be available, IOS installs automatically)Prepare the SD-card (By reformatting it)Part 3 :Make a Backup (Not Optional!)Load HBC, press -HOME-, launch BootmiiMake a nand backupPress Power, Power, Power, Reset, ResetOnce the backup is complete, exit bootmii to HBCBackup your Bootmii files to your PCsd:\bootmiisd:\nand.binsd:\key.bin*DO NOT LOSE THESE FILES*Now you have your Homebrew channel installed!
Format the sd-card!!! (not optional)Delete everything!Download Modpack FilesRequires a standard SD card, 1-2g scandisk is best. SDHC cards will not workHave 350 free blocks of nand spaceRead the guide at least 3 times.Remove all GC controllers, GC memory cards, USB devices.Don't lose power- Very importantPassword = NOT-A-PIRATEDownload the modpack for the region of your wii, or the region you wish your wii to be when your done. Be sure to download to right one.USA-ModPack-NTSC-U.zipEURO-ModPack-PAL-E.zipJAP- ModPack-NTSC-J.zipKOR- ModPack-NTSC-K.zipBe sure to download the region you want your wii to be.Extract your ModPack to sd:\Download CIOS-PACK.zipExtract to sd:\Overwrite files if askedAfter doing that then this should be the structure of your SD card :(sd:\CIOS-PACK.md5sd:\ModPack-****-*.md5sd:\IOS Update.md5sd:\startup.elfsd:\boot.dolsd:\hacks_hash.inisd:\mmmconfig.txtsd:\USBLoaderCFG.dolsd:\bootmiisd:\appssd:\apps\ARCmod06_Offline\boot.dolsd:\apps\HomeBrew Channel Loader\boot.dolsd:\apps\MMM\boot.dolsd:\apps\priiloader\boot.dolsd:\wad\!!!IOS60-system-compatability-test.wadsd:\wad\1OS236.wadsd:\wad\Backup HBC - MAUI.wadsd:\wad\cIOS9-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS11-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS16-v257.wadsd:\wad\cIOS20-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS30-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS36-v3094-TEND.wadsd:\wad\cIOS50-v4889-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS60-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS70-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS80-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS90-v6174-TED.wadsd:\wad\cIOS202[60]-v65535.wadsd:\wad\cIOS222[38]-v65535.wadsd:\wad\cIOS223[37-38]-v65535.wadsd:\wad\cIOS224[57]-v65535.wadsd:\wad\cIOS247[37]-v21d2x6.wadsd:\wad\cIOS248[56]-v21d2x6.wadsd:\wad\cIOS249[38]-v21d2x6.wadsd:\wad\cIOS250[57]-v21d2x6.wadsd:\wad\Neogamma CHANNEL r8 Auto Mod-NEOG.wadsd:\wad\RVL-cMIOS-v65535(v10)_WiiGator_WiiPower_v0.2.wadsd:\wad\USBLoaderCFG - UCXF - IOS58 v9.wadsd:\wad\System Menu 4.1*\EULA-NUS-*-v2.wadsd:\wad\System Menu 4.1*\Region Select-NUS-*-v2.wadsd:\wad\System Menu 4.1*\System Menu-NUS-4.1*-v544##.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS12-64-v526.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS13-64-v1032.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS14-64-v1032.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS15-64-v1032.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS17-64-v1032.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS21-64-v1039.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS22-64-v1294.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS28-64-v1807.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS31-64-v3608.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS33-64-v3608.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS34-64-v3608.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS35-64-v3608.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS37-64-v5663.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS38-64-v4124.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS41-64-v3607.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS43-64-v3607.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS45-64-v3607.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS46-64-v3607.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS48-64-v4124.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS53-64-v5663.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS55-64-v5663.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS56-64-v5662.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS57-64-v5919.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS58-64-v6176.wadsd:\wad\IOS-Update\IOS61-64-v5662.wadsd:\wad\channels\Shopping Channel-NUS-v20.wadsd:\wad\channels\other wii channel wads your updating)Verify Checksums -very importantOn your PC, navigate to your sd cardRun sd:\md5summer.exe (this is run on your computer, not the wii)Click "Verify Sums", Select "ModPack.md5"All check sums should verify without error (very important)Click "Verify Sums" again, Verify CIOS-PACK.md5, IOS Update.md5, and any others you haveAll Checksums should verify without issue. Errors = Bad News, so try againAfter that is done, now comes that most important step in this whole process :Installing the Wads :If a wad fails to install, try to install that wad again. If the wad still fails, press B to go back to the main menu, select reload ios, reload ios236, then try to install the wad that is giving you trouble again.Start HBC, press [HOME], Launch BootmiiMulti-Mod Manager Starts (via cboot2)Never Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wiiSelect "WAD Manager" - Press APress (1) to "Install all Wads" - Press A25 wads should install without error"Press any button to continue"Be sure all 25 wads install, very important*Mac users may get an error of 25 wads installing and 25 wads failing. There are only 25 wads in the modpack. This issue is caused by the Mac creating extra files and is not an issue.*Do not proceed with error, 25 wads must installNever Uninstall IOS, or SM you will brick your wiiSelect the folder "System Menu 4.1" -press APress (1) to "Install all Wads" - Press A3 wads should install without error"Press any button to continue"Be sure all 3 wads install, very importantThis installs a version patched SM, which I recommend. If this bothers you, don't do it.WARNING: This is a version patched System Menu, running on a version patched cios60. NEVER replace cios60-v54321 with ios60-6174. Doing so will brick your wii if you update from Nintendo. Never update from Nintendo, don't MUCK up cios60-v54321. You have been warned.Press B to go back a folder
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