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International Law Anders Henriksen: From Foundations and Structure to Human Rights and Use of Force


International Law presents a student-focused approach to the subject; clearly written with non-native English-speaking students in mind, a range of learning features highlight the areas of debate and encourage students to engage critically with key disputes. It provides comprehensive and concise coverage of the central issues in public international law, making this an ideal textbook for students taking short, introductory courses at European law schools with clear and accessible explanations of the core concepts.This textbook takes a critical perspective on various aspects of international law, introducing the controversies and areas of debate without assuming students' prior knowledge of the topics discussed in an easy-to-follow style. There are supporting learning features, including central issues boxes, chapter summaries, recommended reading, and discussion questions highlight the essential points and encourage students to engage with the legal disputes. Digital formats and resourcesThe third edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: Short author podcasts introducing the core topics Advice on answering the Questions for Discussion at the end of each chapter Links to other international law resources

International Law Anders Henriksen

1. Foundations and structure of international law2. Sources of international law3. The law of treaties4. The actors in the international legal system5. Jurisdiction6. Immunity from national jurisdiction and diplomatic protection7. State responsibility8. The international law of the sea9. International human rights law10. International environmental law11. International economic law12. The peaceful settlement of disputes13. The international regulation of the use of force14. The law of armed conflict15. International criminal law

Anders Henriksen, Former Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen Anders Henriksen is now with the Danish Security and Intelligence Service. He is a former Professor of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. He has published widely on public international law; the law and cyberspace; drone warfare; and the use of force.

With this book, Anders Henriksen has created a complete overview of international law. The book starts of with the basics of international law. All the important terms are discussed in detail. Comparisons are made between international and national but also EU-law.

After the explanation of the basics, different types of law are discussed. The influence of international law is made claer in this respect. The law of the sea, human rights law, environmental law and economic law all fall under international law for some part, but they differ from eachother in certain aspects. What complicates this even more, is that states and international organizations also have established their own rules.

Lastly, it is discussed how international law can be enforced and what happens when it is not obeyed. The book touches on peacefull dispute setlement, use of force, armed conflicts and international criminal law, and the relation between these breaches and solutions of international law.

The book is written especially for students, so everything is neatly structured and clearly explained. This book is perfect for beginning students who are just starting to learn about international law but also provides a very complete and detailed understanding of international law. The fact that de book starts of with the basics and later dives into the more complex issues, makes the material very understandable.

International Law provides comprehensive and concise coverage of the central issues in public international law. The text takes a critical perspective on various aspects of international law, introducing the controversies and areas of debate without assuming prior knowledge of the topics discussed. Supporting learning features, including central issues boxes, chapter summaries, recommended reading and discussion questions, highlight the essential points. Topics covered include the history of international law, legal sources, the law of treaties, legal personality, jurisdiction and state immunity. The text also looks at the international law of the sea, human rights law, international environmental law, international economic law, the peaceful settlement of disputes, the use of force, the laws of armed conflict and international criminal law.

Given that the Peace Palace library (PPL) has copies of almost every public international law journal published (either on paper and/or electronically), the catalogue is at present the best bibliographical database for public international law available. The PPL uses an excellent and extensive classification system, which consists of around 5,000 keywords.The books and journal articles you may find through this catalogue are in any case available from the Peace Palace library, but a great number is also present or accessible in Utrecht.Several Research Guides provide a brief introduction, suggest certain books, articles, databases and other materials considered indispensable.Please note!- the Peace Palace library catalogue does also contain references to journal articles.- If Utrecht University Library provides access to a publication you have found, Lean Library will lead you there. As an alternative: conduct a further search with the already found data in the UU list of electronic journals or in Worldcat (for access to e-books and e-journal(articles) and the shelfmark and availability of a printed book or printed journal).

This course is an introduction to the field of public international law. The course covers major topics in this field, including sources of international law (treaties and customary international law); subjects (States and international organizations); the law of State responsibility; the prohibition on the use of force; and international dispute settlement. The course emphasizes learning how to read and understand international law instruments, such as states multilateral treaties and judgments of the International Court of Justice.

Jonathan Fitchen, University of Aberdeen (International and Comparative Law Quarterly) The authors and editors of this book have provided a text that must surely be regarded as the locus classicus of its subject in the English language. This book is an indispensable guide to this emerging area of law and is highly recommended.Laura Pritchard-Jones, Medical Law Review. The International Protection of Adults ... will be of use to anybody wanting a more in-depth analysis of a particular jurisdictions provisions for mental incapacity, as well as those who want detailed information about such cross-border issues as is covered by the provisions contained in Hague 35.Margaret O'Sullivan, Principal of O'Sullivan Estate Lawyers, Toronto Compliments must go to the authors for the excellent organisation of the work and for the concise, functional and practical approach to what are often very dense and thorny issues. This is a book aimed at helping the practitioner, but it is also an enriching one because of its 360 approach to the fascinating topic of adult protection, including its historical legal origins. This specialised book will no doubt become a core reference work for trust and estatepractitioners and fills a significant existing void in the subject area.Philip Taylor MBE & Elizabeth Taylor of Richmond Green Chambers As this is an expanding, as well as fascinating area of law, international lawyers, particularly those in private law, will no doubt regard this topical and timely book as an essential purchase. 2ff7e9595c


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