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Eureka Jar Download: The Essential Tool for Service Registration and Discovery


Eureka Jar Download: A Guide for Microservices with Spring Boot

If you are developing microservices with Spring Boot, you might have heard of Eureka. Eureka is a service discovery tool that helps you locate and communicate with other services in your distributed system. In this article, we will show you how to download and install eureka jar, and how to use it to create a simple microservices application with Spring Boot.

What is eureka jar and why it is useful for microservices

Eureka jar is a Java archive file that contains the code and dependencies for Eureka Server and Eureka Client. Eureka Server is an application that acts as a registry for all the microservices in your system. It allows each service to register itself with its host and port information, and also provides a REST API for service discovery. Eureka Client is a library that enables your service to communicate with Eureka Server, register itself, and discover other services.

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Eureka jar is useful for microservices because it simplifies the service discovery process, which is essential for distributed systems. Service discovery is the ability to find and connect to other services without hard-coding their locations. This makes your system more resilient, scalable, and flexible. With Eureka, you don't need to worry about managing service locations, load balancing, or failover. You can focus on developing your business logic and let Eureka handle the rest.

How to download and install eureka jar

There are two ways to download and install eureka jar: using Maven or Gradle, or manually downloading from GitHub.

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Using Maven or Gradle

If you are using Maven or Gradle as your build tool, you can easily add eureka jar as a dependency in your project. For example, if you are using Maven, you can add the following dependency in your pom.xml file:

<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server</artifactId> </dependency>

This will automatically download eureka jar from Maven Central Repository and add it to your classpath. You can also use spring-cloud-starter-eureka-client if you want to use Eureka Client.

Manually downloading from GitHub

If you prefer to manually download eureka jar, you can go to [Eureka GitHub Releases](^1^) page and choose the version you want. You can find the eureka jar file under the Assets section of each release. For example, if you want to download version 2.0.0, you can click on [eureka-core-jersey3-2.0.0.jar](^2^) or [eureka-client-jersey3-2.0.0.jar](^3^) depending on whether you want to use Eureka Server or Eureka Client.

After downloading eureka jar, you need to add it to your classpath manually. You can do this by using the -cp or -classpath option when running your Java application.

Eureka Server

Eureka Server is an application that acts as a registry for all the microservices in your system. It allows each service to register itself with its host and port information, and also provides a REST API for service discovery.

How How to create a Spring Boot application with Eureka Server dependency

One of the easiest ways to create a Spring Boot application with Eureka Server dependency is to use [Spring Initializr], a web-based tool that generates a starter project for you. You can follow these steps to create your project:

  • Go to [Spring Initializr] website and choose your preferred build tool (Maven or Gradle), language (Java, Kotlin, or Groovy), Spring Boot version, and project metadata (group, artifact, name, description, and package name).

  • Select the dependencies you want to add to your project. For Eureka Server, you need to select Eureka Server under the Cloud Discovery category. You can also add other dependencies as per your requirements.

  • Click on the Generate button to download a zip file containing your project.

  • Extract the zip file and open the project in your favorite IDE or editor.

You can also create your project manually by adding the following dependency in your pom.xml or build.gradle file:

<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server</artifactId> </dependency>

How to configure and run Eureka Server

After creating your project, you need to configure some properties for Eureka Server in your or application.yml file. Here are some of the common properties you can set:


eureka.client.register-with-eurekaWhether to register this server as a client with Eureka. Set it to false if you don't want this server to be discoverable by other services.

eureka.client.fetch-registryWhether to fetch the registry information from Eureka. Set it to false if you don't want this server to discover other services.

eureka.client.service-url.defaultZoneThe URL of the Eureka Server where this server will register itself and fetch the registry information. You can specify multiple URLs separated by commas for high availability.

eureka.instance.hostnameThe hostname of this server. If not specified, it will use the default hostname of the machine.

eureka.instance.prefer-ip-addressWhether to use the IP address instead of the hostname when registering this server. Set it to true if you want to use the IP address.

eureka.server.enable-self-preservationWhether to enable the self-preservation mode of Eureka. This mode prevents Eureka from removing services that have not sent heartbeats for a long time. Set it to false if you want Eureka to be more aggressive in removing stale services.

eureka.server.eviction-interval-timer-in-msThe interval in milliseconds between each run of the service eviction task. This task removes services that have not sent heartbeats for a specified duration.

For example, you can configure your Eureka Server as follows:

eureka.client.register-with-eureka=false eureka.client.fetch-registry=false eureka.server.enable-self-preservation=false eureka.server.eviction-interval-timer-in-ms=60000

To run your Eureka Server, you can use the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run

This will start your server on port 8761 by default. You can change the port by setting the server.port property in your or application.yml file.

You can also access the Eureka dashboard by going to in your browser. The dashboard shows you the status and information of all the registered services.

Eureka Client

Eureka Client is a library that enables your service to communicate with Eureka Server, register itself, and discover other services.

How How to create a Spring Boot application with Eureka Client dependency

Similar to Eureka Server, you can also create a Spring Boot application with Eureka Client dependency using [Spring Initializr] or manually adding the dependency in your project. For Eureka Client, you need to select Eureka Discovery Client under the Cloud Discovery category in [Spring Initializr], or add the following dependency in your pom.xml or build.gradle file:

<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-eureka-client</artifactId> </dependency>

How to register and discover services with Eureka Client

After creating your project, you need to configure some properties for Eureka Client in your or application.yml file. Here are some of the common properties you can set:


eureka.client.service-url.defaultZoneThe URL of the Eureka Server where this client will register itself and fetch the registry information. You can specify multiple URLs separated by commas for high availability.

eureka.instance.appnameThe name of this service. If not specified, it will use the property as the default.

eureka.instance.instance-idThe unique identifier of this service instance. If not specified, it will use the hostname:port combination as the default.

eureka.instance.prefer-ip-addressWhether to use the IP address instead of the hostname when registering this service. Set it to true if you want to use the IP address. interval in seconds between each heartbeat that this service sends to Eureka Server. The default value is 30 seconds. duration in seconds that Eureka Server will wait before removing this service if it does not receive any heartbeat. The default value is 90 seconds.

For example, you can configure your Eureka Client as follows:

eureka.client.service-url.defaultZone= eureka.instance.appname=my-service eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address=true

To register your service with Eureka Server, you need to add the @EnableDiscoveryClient annotation on your main application class. This annotation will enable the auto-registration and discovery features of Eureka Client.

@SpringBootApplication @EnableDiscoveryClient public class MyServiceApplication public static void main(String[] args), args);

To discover other services with Eureka Client, you can use the DiscoveryClient interface, which provides methods to get the information of all the registered services and instances. You can also use the @LoadBalanced annotation on a RestTemplate bean, which will automatically use Eureka to resolve and balance the service URLs.

@Autowired private DiscoveryClient discoveryClient; @Autowired @LoadBalanced private RestTemplate restTemplate; public void discoverServices() // Get all the registered services List services = discoveryClient.getServices(); System.out.println("Services: " + services); // Get all the instances of a specific service List instances = discoveryClient.getInstances("my-service"); System.out.println("Instances: " + instances); // Call a service using RestTemplate with @LoadBalanced String response = restTemplate.getForObject(" String.class); System.out.println("Response: " + response);


In this article, we have learned how to download and install eureka jar, and how to use it to create a simple microservices application with Spring Boot. We have seen how Eureka Server acts as a registry for all the microservices in our system, and how Eureka Client enables our service to communicate with Eureka Server, register itself, and discover other services. We have also learned how to configure and run Eureka Server and Client, and how to access the Eureka dashboard.

Eureka is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for service discovery in microservices architectures. It helps us to build resilient, scalable, and flexible systems without hard-coding service locations or worrying about load balancing or failover. With Eureka, we can focus on developing our business logic and let Eureka handle the rest.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Eureka and microservices:

What are the benefits of using Eureka for microservices?

Some of the benefits of using Eureka for microservices are:

  • It simplifies the service discovery process, which is essential for distributed systems.

  • It provides a REST API for service registration and discovery, which is easy to use and integrate with other tools.

  • It supports high availability and fault tolerance by allowing multiple Eureka Servers to replicate the registry information.

  • It provides a web-based dashboard for monitoring and managing the registered services.

  • It integrates well with other Spring Cloud components, such as Ribbon, Feign, Hystrix, and Zuul.

How to secure Eureka Server and Client?

There are several ways to secure Eureka Server and Client, such as:

  • Using HTTPS instead of HTTP for communication between Eureka Server and Client.

  • Using basic authentication or OAuth2 to protect the access to Eureka Server and Client endpoints.

  • Using Spring Security to configure the security rules for Eureka Server and Client applications.

  • Using encryption to protect the sensitive data in the registry, such as passwords or tokens.

How to monitor and troubleshoot Eureka?

There are several ways to monitor and troubleshoot Eureka, such as:

  • Using the Eureka dashboard to view the status and information of the registered services.

  • Using the Eureka REST API to query or update the registry information programmatically.

  • Using Spring Boot Actuator to expose metrics and health indicators for Eureka Server and Client applications.

  • Using logging and tracing tools, such as Logback, SLF4J, or Zipkin, to track the requests and responses between Eureka Server and Client.

How to use Eureka with other Spring Cloud components?

Eureka can be used with other Spring Cloud components to enhance the functionality and performance of your microservices application. Some of the common components that work well with Eureka are:

  • Ribbon: A client-side load balancer that uses Eureka to discover and balance the service instances.

  • Feign: A declarative REST client that uses Ribbon and Eureka to make HTTP requests to other services.

  • Hystrix: A circuit breaker that uses Eureka to monitor and isolate the failures of dependent services.

  • Zuul: A gateway that uses Eureka to route and filter the requests to different services.

How to migrate from Eureka 1.x to Eureka 2.x?

Eureka 2.x is a major rewrite of Eureka 1.x that introduces some new features and changes, such as:

  • A reactive programming model based on RxJava.

  • A peer-to-peer communication model instead of a client-server model.

  • A modular design that separates the core functionality from the transport layer.

  • A support for non-JVM languages and platforms, such as Node.js or Go.

To migrate from Eureka 1.x to Eureka 2.x, you need to follow these steps:

  • Update your dependencies to use eureka-core-jersey3-2.0.0.jar or eureka-client-jersey3-2.0.0.jar instead of eureka-core-1.10.16.jar or eureka-client-1.10.16.jar.

  • Update your configuration properties to use eureka2.* instead of eureka.* prefix.

  • Update your code to use the new APIs and classes provided by Eureka 2.x, such as DiscoveryClient, RegistrationClient, InterestClient, etc.



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